Sergeant Reckless - A Four Legged Hero to the United States Marine Corps.

At Backpacks For Life we recognize that our fellow veterans aren’t just people. We honor and remember our four legged battle buddies as well. We'll give you another hint about who we're talking about: She is 900 pounds and for parts of the Korean War, carried 24 pound ammunition on her back. We're talking about a Marine named Sgt. Reckless! If you want to watch something inspiring that will give you that morning jolt, then watch this inspirational video about Sgt. Reckless and her heroic adventures in the Korean War. This is another example and more of a reason that we in the military aren't just one singular person, but a group of totally opposite individuals working together for the greater good!

Watch the full feature of Sgt. Reckless on The Horse Show here