Easterseals South Florida offers respite care program for veterans

Easterseals South Florida

Are you a Veteran or a family member providing care for a Veteran who is disabled or chronically ill? Whether you want someone to check in on your loved one during the day to make sure everything is alright or are in need of a regular break Easter Seals AmeriCorps members are here to help!

We recently connected with Karen Lopez of Easterseals South Florida who manages the AmeriCorps program in Miami. This program is dedicated to providing services to veterans who are caregivers of someone who is ill or vice versa. If a veteran is the person that is ill and needs for a companion to come in for a few hours during the week, Easterseals can provide this services. We know how challenging the obstacles that veterans face can be and how it can affect the entire family. Easterseals AmeriCorps Respite Program is the perfect way to continue to give the veterans in your life the care they deserve and also give their caregivers a break when needed. If you believe this program is something you or a veteran you know, can benefit from please read more information via the brochure here.

One of the unique parts of this program is that Easterseals also recruits veterans to volunteer in this program so it can be veterans serving veterans. Although this is a volunteer based program, there is a monthly stipend of $205 a month in addition to educational vouchers once 450 hours are completed during a one year term. We love the fact that this organization is not only helping veterans in need who may be ill but also offers an opportunity for veterans looking to be involved in the veteran community. This is a great way for veterans to get reintegrated into the community but also feel a sense of connection in helping fellow veterans and their families. To learn more about serving in this program, click here.

 If any veteran family is in need of these services, Please contact Karen Lopez at Easterseals South Florida at 305.325.0470 or email me at klopez@sfl.easterseals.com